Friday, January 25, 2008

waterproofing quandry

i am on the fence about my foundation waterproofing. i don't know whether to go the way of a spray on waterproof or a peel and stick rubber membrane. it seems to me there are pros and cons on either end of this. cost being one of them. i have about a week to decide what to do. if anyone has any opinions on this... please let me know. i do have tons of info on both products, just no real world experience with them. thank you jimmy for asking around for me on that. and thank you for going back and pulling the dirt away and not punching anyone in the head, namely me.

in the meantime... they are delivering the forms this morning and should be cranking on assembling a foundation this afternoon. the window bucks need to be set into the forms before the concrete is poured, that's how i will get those cool windows going down to the studio level. ryan busted those out this week. thank you ryan. at some point i am supposed to meet sanchez or junior or someone at the site to talk shop on the electric service and what kind of damage i am looking at for going underground.

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